International Tuitions & Fees

In order to be considered for International Admissions, you must meet the following requirements:

1. Possess at least a Grade 12 or GED 12 (minimum requirement: high school completion)

If you have completed any college/university/apprenticeships, please include that information on your application form.

2. English Language Proficiency

English is the language of instruction at Saskatoon Business College. Applicants whose first language is not English must present evidence of their English proficiency.

The following table outlines language proficiency requirements to attend Saskatoon Business College.

International Tuitions & Fees

SBC International Application Checklist

BEFORE you apply, please read the SBC International Student Application Checklist below.

Before you apply

Research your program of choice on the SBC website (SBC international students).

Contact the admissions office at or by phone at 1-306-244-6333 if you have any questions.

Request Info

Please contact me with more information relating to the college and program(s). I understand I may cancel my consent at anytime.

Request a Document

Please contact me with more information relating to the college and program(s). I understand I may cancel my consent at anytime.