Executive Assistant

The Executive Assistant program will expand your skills and hone your abilities in an environment that incorporates a hands-on approach while learning to work effectively with others.

Executive assistants work closely with senior administrators in a wide variety of industries. Executive assistants learn Microsoft Office 2019, administrative procedures, basic accounting, and Adobe Photoshop and Acrobat. Students learn event planning by organizing the Annual SBC Business Show.

95% of the Executive Assistant class (June 2018 graduates) are now employed in career-related positions. Our graduates are employed by both public sector and private companies. These employers include: Tourism Saskatchewan, Government of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon Public Schools, 4 Pillars, Veeman Law, Golder Associates, Great West Brewing Co., Sheraton Cavalier, and unINK Marketing & Creative Agency.

*Strong English skills are an asset.


Document Preparation 112 (Simulation)

DP 112 incorporates knowledge and skills acquired through Word 672 to create various office documents in a simulated business environment. Students will be able to keyboard at a minimum rate set out in their course requirements and create various office documents using Microsoft Word.

Upon successful completion of the above jobs, students will be able to perform the following skills/tasks:

  • Create well-formatted, concise, error-free documents.
  • Demonstrate the ability to multi-task and following direction competently.
  • Work independently and in group settings to complete tasks using problem solving skills.
  • Format letters, reports, memorandum, tables, newsletters, advertisements, press releases, brochures and other documents according to the standard operating procedure used by the fictional company Saskatoon Junction in this simulation.
Keyboarding Speed (45-55 wpm to graduate)

Students complete at least 3-months of keyboarding classes. Students are required to complete the regular keyboarding speed of 45 wpm (AA/ACCEL)/55wpm (EA) in order to graduate. Speeds are based on an average of five timings submitted close to or in the final month of the program.

Communications 211

To facilitate an understanding of synonyms, commonly confused words, plural nouns, and possessive nouns. In addition, students will enhance their business vocabulary.

  • Understand why it is important to spell correctly and learn memory devices to enhance spelling
  • Spell common business vocabulary correctly
  • Complete alphabetized spelling dictations
  • Understand the difference between a singular noun and a plural noun
  • Apply correct plural rules
  • Enhance knowledge of foreign plurals Understand the difference between singular possessive nouns and plural possessive nouns
  • Apply correct possession rules Enhance knowledge of commonly confused words and understand the proper usage of these words
  • Use commonly confused words correctly in sentences based on context and meaning
  • Understand the meaning of a synonym
  • Use a dictionary and provide synonyms for vocabulary Develop vocabulary by determining the correct spelling of a word between two or three words
Communications 212

The learning outcomes include:

  • Review and to apply grammar principles
  • Study and apply punctuation, capitalization, and number rules.
  • Develop competence in the use of the following (a) Eight Parts of Speech; (b)Nouns and Gerunds; (c) Pronouns; (d) Verbs and Verbals; (e) Subject-Verb Agreement and Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement; (f) Subjects, Objects, Appositives and NSCs; (g) Phrases and Clauses; (h) Sentence Types and Parts of a Sentence; (i) Who and Whom (j) Prepositions; (k) Conjunctions; (l) Adjectives and Adverbs; (m) Business Number Rules; (n) Business Capitalization Rules; (o) Punctuation.
Communications 213

The learning outcomes are:

  • Develop an appreciation for error-free document
  • Apply concepts from Communications 211 and 212 to produce error-free documents.
  • Demonstrating different types of proofing techniques.
  • Apply correct formatting rules to create letters and memos.
  • Demonstrate time management in the creation of error-free documents.
Communications 214

Learning Outcomes:

Students will apply fundamentals learned in Communications 214 to:

  • Create professionally written emails and letters.
  • Demonstrate enhanced knowledge and usage of business words.
  • Develop and demonstrate the correct use of their business vocabulary and their knowledge of writing concepts.
  • Develop knowledge of email writing and create business emails.
  • Enhance knowledge and demonstrated use of application and claim letter formats.
  • Develop confidence speaking in front of a group by completing oral presentations.
  • Demonstrate effective use of notes, body posture, and voice during speeches.
Mathematics 311

Upon course completion, the student will be able to:

  • Solve and prove simple business problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, ratios and percentages utilizing the order of operations.
  • Calculate and present appropriately several business related problems relating to interest, taxes, commissions, insurance premiums, foreign exchange and profit percentage.
  • Determine sales tax amounts, series, single discounts, insurance brokerage in buying and selling, time series periods, conversion of currency, and simple net pay.
  • Determine perimeter, area volume, proportions.
  • Understand and correctly use the metric system.
Personal Finance 314

This course is an introduction to managing one’s personal finances. It seeks to cover general financial knowledge, related to proper budgeting, investing, borrowing and retirement planning. Upon course completion, students will:

  • Identify myths about money.
  • Learn to manage personal savings, credit and debt.
  • Create a budget.
  • Assess their personal financial situation and make adjustments in line with their goals.
  • Understand the importance of financial planning.
  • Learn the difference between TFSA and RRSP and the benefits of each.
Accounting/Bookkeeping 411

To provide students with experience in the manual recording of financial information, such as: journalizing, posting, financial reports, bank reconciliations, statements, petty cash and payroll. Upon course completion, the student will:

  • Understand and demonstrate accurate foundational concepts of accounting.
  • Analyze transactions- service and merchandize.
  • Correctly record transactions using the general journal, general ledger, and prepare trial balance and schedule of accounts.
  • Use the special journals and accurately post to general and subsidy ledger.
  • Calculate and post taxes- GST/PST
  • Journalize /establish petty cash and replenish.
  • Prepare bank reconciliation
  • Perform basic payroll calculations and journalize entries.
Career Strategies 513

To prepare students for the employment search, assemble employment tools and skills, follow up with employment opportunities and be promoted.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Create an effective and professional resume/application letter that will allow the student to obtain an interview.
  • Develop confidence in the interviewing process.
  • Participate in mock interviews.
  • Dress for success.
Applied Administrative Procedures 515

To prepare students for entering the business world where they will perform routine as well as more advanced office skills, including using professional telephone and email etiquette, addressing needs of customers, planning meetings and the operation of basic office equipment.

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

  • Work in an office setting in a professional manner.
  • Communicate effectively and professionally through the use of modern office communication methods such as emails, texts.
  • Practice time management skills.
  • Perform customer service duties professionally.
  • Professionally and effectively interact with clients/customers.
  • Operate basic office equipment.
  • Handle postal duties.
  • Arrange/assist with the planning of events.
  • Appropriately complete and share documents.
Human Relations 519

Human Relations will help students become successful in predicting, understanding, and influencing the outcome of their interactions with others. The course format is highly experiential, involving the use of case studies, exercises, and class discussions to emphasize a problem-solving and critical thinking strategy to apply accumulated knowledge.

  • Introduction to Human Relations
  • Motivating yourself and others
  • Emotional balance
  • Improving communications
  • Understanding your communication style
  • Building high self esteem
  • Attitudes can shape your life
  • Team building
  • Valuing diversity
  • Ethical choices
Records Information Management 522

The learning outcomes of the Records Management course are:

  • Understand and develop competence in indexing, coding, and cross-referencing records.
  • Develop competence in using the alphabetic subject, geographic, and numeric filing systems.
  • Review and create log for records retention and transfer, control of requisitions and charge-outs, and selection of supplies and equipment.
  • Use a computer database to apply records management principles.
  • Understand electronic records, image records, and establishing a records and information management program.
Computer Applications 611 (Windows 10)

Students will develop competence in Windows 10 and file management.

  • Understand the important features of Windows 10.
  • Demonstrate competence in working with files and folders.
  • Organize a company’s files and folders.
Computer Applications 619 (PowerPoint 2019)

Students will develop competence in developing and using PowerPoint.

  • Create and edit presentations with pictures.
  • Enhance presentations with shapes and SmartArt.
  • Customize slide masters and presentations.
  • Format and insert tables and charts.
  • Add media/sounds/music to the presentation.
  • Create photo albums and deliver presentations.
  • Develop a fully functional PowerPoint presentation.
Computer Applications 620 (Excel 2019) - Level 1

Learning Outcomes:

  • Develop proficiency in building a basic spreadsheet and a chart.
  • Work with formulas, functioning and formatting.
  • Work with large worksheets, charting, and what-if analysis.
Computer Applications 621 (Excel 2019) - Level 2

Learning Outcomes:

  • Develop competence working with financial functions, data tables, and amortization schedule.
  • Work with multiple worksheets and workbooks.
  • Create, sort, and query a table.
Computer Applications 622 (Access 2019) - Level 1

Learning Outcomes:

  • Describe the features of the Access window
  • Create a database, tables, and design views.
  • Add records to a table.
  • Create and use parameter queries; crosstab queries sort data, join table, export data.
  • Perform calculations and calculate statistics in queries.
  • Customize the navigation pane.
  • Use the various functions in maintaining a database—add, change, delete, filter.
Computer Applications 628 (Outlook 2019)

Learning Outcomes:

  • Manage email messages
  • Manage calendars
  • Manage contacts and personal contact information
  • Create and maintain tasks
Computer Applications 642 (QuickBooks 2021) - Level 1

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand and efficient and accurately use the features of the QB software.
  • Be competent in using the functions of an automated accounting software to do basic accounting tasks.
  • Create new customer files, customer accounts, changing account names, creating list of accounts.
  • Complete deposits, end of day work and create respective reports.
  • Use the QB software to Manage email messages.
  • Create and maintain tasks, use the QB features to query accounts.
  • Purchasing with cash/credit; receiving cash sales and entering information correctly
  • Generate, export and print various reports: PL; BS; TB; Journals, vendor, Customer, Contact lists etc.
Computer Applications 650 (Business Project Integration)

This class will allow students to integrate the Microsoft Office applications. This includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, and Outlook. Students will develop mastery on the use of the Microsoft Suite products and work efficiently with each, saving time.

  • Embed a file of one type into a file of another type.
  • Link files so that when the original file changes, the change appears in the linked files.
  • Import/export data form one file format to another.
  • Use merges to make letters and tickets.
Computer Applications 672 (Word 2019) - Level 1

Upon successful completion of this course, students will have gained knowledge of Microsoft Word 2019 functions and will be able to create a variety of business documents.

Students will also continue to build keyboarding speed and accuracy.

  • Learn and apply the essentials of Word 219 commands
  • Create/save, print, apply text paragraph and page formats.
  • Navigate, review, and edit documents.
  • Format memos, create envelopes, edit letters, and build keyboarding skills.
  • Create and format tables, change table structures, create tables in documents, build speed and accuracy.
  • Format reports, insert footnotes, files, find/replace texts.
  • Adhere to academic reporting standards.
  • Create /format documents with pictures, videos, SmartArt, borders, etc.
  • Utilize OneDrive’ share folders/documents.
Computer Applications 673 (Word 2019) - Level 2

Word 673 builds on the knowledge gained through Word 672. Upon successful completion of this course, students will have gained knowledge of advanced Microsoft Word functions, be able to create a variety of business documents, and will demonstrate the following values/attributes: confidence in their ability to recognize which functions are necessary to complete various documents, and proficient problem-solving skills when tasked with formatting challenges.

Students will also continue to build keyboarding speed and accuracy and complete timings periodically.

Computer Applications 644 (Publisher 2019)

Learning Outcomes: Introductory course

  • Understand publisher application, its features, and how it can be used in the business environment.
  • Create publisher’s design.
  • Create business cards, flyers, brochures, newsletter, calendars, catalogs, and other documents used in the business environment.
Computer Applications 646 (Photoshop Basics)

Upon completion of this class, students will have basic Photoshop knowledge in the creation and repair of images including:

  • Using various panels and filters.
  • Saving images in different formats
  • Editing images using techniques discussed in class.
  • Exploring basic design and working with text.
Computer Applications 662 (Adobe Acrobat Pro DC)

Upon completion of this class, students will learn to create and manipulate PDF documents. The student will work through the many important facets of the software used in the business environment. Learning outcomes include:

  • Understanding the tools of Abode Acrobat
  • Creating and modifying PDF documents
  • Use the document navigation tools
  • PDF accessibility and document security
  • Document review techniques and interactive PDF forms
  • PDF distribution & management
Executive Document Preparation 715

Students will be required to prepare, format, and/or proofread documents. Occasionally, there will be time restrictions given when completing these tasks; therefore, time management skills should improve. Demonstrate accurate and professional document preparation skills: proofreading, editing, time management; independent work; prepare travel itineraries, letters, memos, etc.

Executive Office Role 716

Students will learn about the various roles an executive assistant would have in an office. They will also have a better understanding of the types of office positions that would be available to them based on their skill set, education, and/or years of experience.

  • Understand and explore the roles of an EA.
  • Know and perform the role of a supervisor.
  • Task delegation, performance reviews, conflict resolution, giving and receiving constructive criticisms, motivate others.
  • Display organizational, cooperative, and prioritization skills.
  • Understand and portray competence in office management skills: planning, team member/leadership, stress management and motivation.
Executive Research, Proposals & Reporting 721

Students will learn that there are various methods available to conduct research. After conducting research through various means, the student will complete various assignments. Delivery of the information found will be done through oral presentations, written reports, proposals, etc. The importance of proposal writing in a business setting will also be discussed. Areas covered will include:

  • Proposal researching, formatting and writing
  • Presentations- impromptu, individual and group
  • Group discussions- thoughtful, engaging, professional, stimulating, relevant
  • Research- conduct thorough research using variety of methods and compile professionally
  • Time management- effective error-free documents within allocated timeframe; organization skills
  • Reports – understand and apply various formants
Executive Office Simulation 740

Class participation is an important component of this course which is meant to provide as much of a realistic experience as possible as an executive assistant. Meeting a deadline and submitting exceptional work shows a readiness for the workplace. An attitude of professionalism and perfection is extremely important and should be demonstrated at all times.

  • Prepare various administrative documents.
  • Schedule meetings/manage operations/ transcribe messages/ respond to client requests
  • Manage information requests and keep track of clients- prospective and current client data
  • Demonstrate professionalism and creativity when generating marketing materials.
Executive Business Event Planning 744

Upon successful completion of this course, students will have gained knowledge and experience in corporate event planning including but not limited to meetings, conventions, seminars, etc.

  • Understand and apply the process and skills of business event planning.
  • Exhibit effective time management, delegation, communication and organization skills.
  • Develop cohesive team skills- both as a leader and team player.
  • Plan and executive SBC annual business show.
I recently graduated from a nine-month Administrative Assistant program at the college where I gained practical experience in various spheres of office administration. The lecturers are well-seasoned in their various fields. They are very friendly school that takes diversity into heart. I will recommend SBC over and over again. I am proud to be an SBC graduate.

Tayo M

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