Responsibilities You’ll Take on in a Continuing Care Aide Career

Individuals who enjoy helping others and wish to work in healthcare may enjoy a Personal Care Aide (PCA) or Continuing Care Aide (CCA) position. To address the many needs of people who require help and support to succeed in their daily lives, this career path requires specific training. Personal Care Aides, also called Continuing Care Aides, work in long-term care facilities, primary care facilities, and in clients’ homes, where they perform a wide range of responsibilities which allows them to enjoy new work experiences each day. If you want to embark on a career path that will allow you to support those in need, interact with people meaningfully, and learn about healthcare, personal and continuing care is worth exploring. Keep reading to learn some of the responsibilities you’ll perform after career training. 

Help Clients With Everyday Activities 

Those who do not struggle with chronic health conditions, immobility, life-altering injuries, or disabilities may take for granted the ability to perform daily tasks, such as bathing or shopping for groceries. Once you become a PCA/CCA, your clients will rely on you to assist with providing direct and indirect care. Direct care duties refer to activities that facilitate daily living like personal care, nutrition, and mobility. Indirect care activities include recording important information, managing inventory, cleaning, and sanitation. You may also be required to answer phones and complete housekeeping tasks. Since the course of your work day depends on the changing needs of your client, success in your Continuing Care Aide career requires you to be proactive, flexible, and organized to anticipate the needs of your clients and juggle all of the daily tasks that make their lives run smoothly.

You will help clients with their everyday activities throughout your continuing or personal care aide career.

Provide Needed Companionship and Engagement for Clients 

Social engagement, laughter, and community involvement are all crucial to a person’s well-being. This is especially true for those who might  struggle with mobility and live more secluded lives. When you begin your career after Personal Care Aide training, it will be essential to realize that you may be your client’s only companion. Prioritize fun activities at home, outings, social gatherings with family and friends, and engaging conversations. Show clients you care about them by practicing active listening, providing emotional support when needed, checking in on their mental health, and asking them regularly what activities would make them happy. Always seek to be proactive when you hear activity requests from your clients. They will appreciate your desire to improve their quality of life, and you will be able to enjoy a trusting, enjoyable relationship with your clients which is enriching to both parties.

Fun and engaging activities are essential to your clients’ well-being after personal care aide training.

Collaborate With Healthcare Professionals to Create Effective Care Plans 

Personal Care Aides/Continuing Care Aides are important members of the healthcare team. In this role you will work with a variety of healthcare professionals regularly. This allows you to learn how to provide better care for your clients. Take a proactive approach to your client’s health by asking members of the healthcare team questions and offering all the information they need to assess and suggest prescribed treatments. Keep an open-line of communication and be open to suggestions from healthcare professionals. 

If you see yourself enjoying these workplace responsibilities, consider hands-on career training at SBC College.


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