
Cybersecurity Best Practices Your Team Will Learn in Corporate Training

Thanks to technology, businesses are working smarter, unfortunately, so are cybercriminals. Today, companies that manage high volumes of sensitive and valuable data are at risk when they don’t implement security measures that help them prevent cybercrime and prepare appropriately for potential breaches. Each team member plays a major role in the protection of company data. Their understanding of and compliance with effective, up-to-date security policies will safeguard your company from malware and scams. If you’re considering corporate training courses for your team, you’ll be encouraged to follow these cybersecurity best practices during daily business operations.

Update Security Policies Regularly

Technology is constantly evolving, which means that cyber scammers are using more advanced methods of obtaining your company data. You should be updating your software regularly and using browsers like Chrome and Firefox that receive frequent and automatic security updates. In addition, keeping your security policies up to date helps you ensure that new tech advancements and cyber threats are considered. Policies are the bedrock of your company’s safety, as they inform routine security practices and keep all team members on the same page regarding their role in protecting company data and assets. Has it been a year or more since your company policy was updated? If so, it may be time to revise it, as most IT experts agree that annual security policy updates are best practice. Watch out for new risks to the safety of your business’s information after completing corporate training.

After corporate training, updating your security policies helps your team.

Always Back Up Your Data

Even with strong, updated security policies in place and a cooperative team, security breaches are still possible. To be prepared in the event of an incident, back up your data regularly. When your company data is compromised, the only guaranteed way to repair your computer system is to erase and reinstall it. Backups involve creating second copies of your data files so that if a security breach occurs, you will not lose access to any important information. There are several ways to back up your data, including the use of external hard drives, cloud storage, and data syncing.

Know the Warning Signs of Phishing Scams After Corporate Training

Phishing is the act of sending fraudulent emails and messages in an attempt to obtain sensitive information from individuals. The aim is to extort using sensitive information, steal funds, or in the worst case, both. Often, phishers claim to be from reputable organizations to garner trust before asking for financial or confidential company information. In our cybersecurity corporate training courses, we will teach your team how to recognize phishing and social engineering and understand all of the latest, most sophisticated scamming tactics in order to avoid security breaches.

Use a File-Sharing Solution to Protect Data

Confidential information should not be shared through regular emails. Emails can easily be intercepted, putting your data in the wrong hands. Fortunately, there are plenty of file-sharing solutions on the market. File-sharing tools utilize encryption and other security protocols to grant permitted team members to access to data.

Our corporate training program will teach your team how to be aware of phishing scams.

As discussed, everyone on your team, even those who are considered non-technical end computer users, must be privy to some of the security best practices discussed above. Protect your assets and reputation to prime your company for optimal growth by educating your team on the latest cybersecurity best practices. Learn more about this and our Office Protect offered for every Microsoft 365 cloud license in your office at an affordable price. 


Ready to enroll in our cybersecurity corporate training program?

Contact SBC College to learn how you can get started.