
Looking to Hire an SBC Grad?

Since 1907 Saskatoon Business College has been a proven leader in providing employment assistance to a wide range of industries.  We work with a variety of organizations to help speed up and simplify the difficult process of finding qualified employees. 

To help with your employment needs:
  1. Call the SBC front desk at 306-244-6333 to obtain e-mail address for sending a job posting.
  2. Once received, the lead will be distributed to all SBC graduates currently in contact with us free of charge.
Note:  SBC does not collect resumes.  The onus is on graduates to submit a resume to employers once the job lead has been shared with them.

Employers Seeking Practicum Students

If you are interested in participating in SBC’s practicum program and helping students who have completed their studies gain experience with your organization, contact Dr. Marcia Whittaker by email.